24×7 Protection from Cyber Attacks

Trust Huntleigh to help you ensure your organization is a fortress and ready to combat the latest threats with:

  • Data privacy, security, and encryption
  • Vulnerability scanning to detect gaps and anomalies that could lead to malware or data breaches
  • Penetration testing for weaknesses in your defense against attacks
  • Network planning, troubleshooting, upgrades, maintenance
  • Awareness training to help combat the >90% of threats resulting from human error
  • Infrastructure and technology support
  • Huntleigh’s 30 year history of excellence in customer service and technical support

Huntleigh will work closely with you to assess and identify your critical risks and threats.

We will help you create a plan that gives you a clear path to detect, respond, and in the event of an incident, quickly recover with minimal impact to your operation.

Our security solutions employ firewall, antivirus, anti-malware, encryption tools, cyber threat monitoring, threat detection and hunting, staff education, and network monitoring, with data backup, to keep your – and your customer’s – confidential data secure and protected.

Whether brick and mortar or remote work environments, we will ensure:

  • your networks are protected and running smoothly
  • your employees have the tools they need to not only do their job but to also have the training they need to be your human firewall
  • and that all of your technology works for you and your bottom-line – not the other way around.

Huntleigh Group –
Your Cyber Resiliency Partner

Our managed desktop and network security solutions employ firewall, antivirus, anti-malware, encryption tools, cyber threat monitoring, threat detection and hunting, staff education, and network monitoring, with data backup, to keep your confidential data secure and protected.

Huntleigh Group will work with will work with you on a holistic plan, including ongoing audits to identify vulnerabilities to close the cybersecurity gaps before your systems become compromised – and help you achieve Cyber Resiliency.